Burke Mountain Club Committees & Contacts

Membership & Communications Committee

Chair: Karen Wilson at [email protected]

It shall be their duty to use all proper means to increase the membership of the Club. It shall be their duty to communicate the mission and purpose of the Club, promote community involvement, and publicize the activities of the Club. This Committee shall keep and maintain a membership database and manage one membership drive a year and actively maintain the membership rolls.

    Finance and Investment Committee

    Chair: John Kascenska at [email protected]

    This committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer. It shall be their duty to devise ways and means for meeting the necessary expenses of the Club, and to make recommendations to the Trustees in relation thereto, as well as to propose expenditure of funds on behalf of the Club that are in accordance with the expressed purposes of the specific funds entrusted to the Club or any funds raised by the Trustees or membership dues, and to carry out such instructions related to the finances as may be given to them by the Trustees. This Committee shall draft and propose an annual budget for the Club to be adopted at the Annual Meeting.

    This committee shall be responsible for investing all assets and funds entrusted to or owned by the Club. The Committee shall seek professional guidance in the management of these funds with the aim of prudently balancing financial risk, with preservation of capital, and the growth of earnings. The Committee shall report quarterly to the Trustees and at the Annual Meeting report to the Members on the status of individual funds and bank accounts.

      Library Committee

      Co-Chairs: Robyn Jacobs at [email protected] and Karen Wilson at [email protected]

      This Committee shall consist of three or more Members,including a Trustee as its Chair and anyone serving as a Librarian. It shall be their duty, under the authority of the Trustees, to arrange for the organization in said building of a library with the necessary books, magazines, papers, and periodicals and to provide opportunity for public use by the community. The  Committee shall be responsible for fundraising for the purpose of buying new books, periodicals, magazines and materials, as needed. The Trustees shall establish the manner and care of such library and the rules under which it may be used.

      Historical Committee

      Chair: Darci Bailey at [email protected]

      It It shall be their duty to keep an ongoing record of significant and interesting events affecting the history of the surrounding community and of the Burke Mountain Club. It shall be their duty to preserve, inventory and organize the Club and museum’s records, archives, collections, documents, artwork and valuables, currently existing and hereafter gifted to the Club, to ensure their posterity and safe-keeping.

      Events and Education Committee.

      Co-Chairs:Robyn Jacobs at [email protected] and Jim Karns at [email protected]

      It shall be their duty to foster and promote the interests of this Club and the community, and to that end from time to time, with the approval of the Trustees to arrange and provide for events, socials, speeches, lectures and other entertainment and educational meetings.

      Buildings and Grounds Committee

      Chair: Doug Chapman at [email protected]

      This committee’s duty shall be to investigate and make recommendations to the Club whenever in its judgment such action is necessary or whenever directed so to do by the Trustees or the Club, concerning all matters relating to the maintenance or improvement of the Club and the surrounding grounds. Such Committee shall work with Caretakers and service providers to scope work and set budgets.